
The long-term vision of Metrasynth is to create new ways to interact with the SunVox app, the SunVox DLL, and the SunVox file format.

We’ll do so by following these principles:

Leverage SunVox

Whenever SunVox can do something by itself, let it do so.

Expose SunVox

Whatever the SunVox DLL and file format can do, you should be able to access it using Python in expressive object-oriented and/or functional ways.

Embed SunVox

Whatever sunsynth file you can create, you should be able to load as an instrument in a DAW using a freely available VST or similar plugin.

Explore SunVox

Reach the limits of SunVox’s capabilities. Report these findings back to the community, and internalize them in Metrasynth tools.

Extend SunVox

Create tools that use the SunVox format and DLL, but provide novel capabilities that are not feasible using the standard SunVox UI, nor using SunVox via another pre-existing DAW.

Respect SunVox

Show respect for Alexander Zolotov, creator of SunVox, who graciously provides his expertly-crafted audio engine as a beautiful cross-platform UI, as well as a commercially useful, zero-cost DLL.

Show respect for all members of the SunVox community, which has grown a healthy culture of sharing and experimentation.